Rubber Din Abrasion Tester 

A DIN abrasion tester is a machine that measures the abrasion resistance of rubbers, including thermoplastic elastomers and vulcanized thermoset rubbers. The abrasion resistance of different types of rubbers is measured in order to quantify how well they resist wear and tear during their actual service

DIN Abrasion Testing Machine Specifications

Diameter of test specimen16mm +/- 0.2mm
Height of test specimen 6 to 10mm
Diameter of rotating drum150 mm
Length of rotating drum470 mm
Speed of rotation of cylinder40 rpm +/- 2RPM
Lateral movement of test specimen holder4.2 mm per revolution of drum
Load on test specimen 10 N / 5N
Power¼ hp motor AC20V , 3A
Weight 60 kg approx
StandardASTM D5963. / ISO 4649
Abrasive cloth 60 #
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